नयाँ ओर्लिन्समा 10 सर्वश्रेष्ठ ककटेल बारहरू

हामीसँग कुनै पनि शहर छैन जुन शव्दलाई थाहा छ कि कसरी नयाँ अर्लीन्स जस्तो व्यवहार गर्दछ। अब मलाई थाहा छ न्यु योर्कले यसलाई फ्याँक्न सक्छ, र मैले महसुस गरें कि उनीहरूले लास भेगास पाप पापको कारणको लागि कल गरे, तर तपाईं ठुलो हाँसोलाई कुट्नुहुन्न जब यो नाइकोलीसँग सम्बन्धित छ।

नयाँ अर्लेन्समा यति भयानक ककटेल बारहरू छन् जुन तपाईं हरेक रात एक बर्षको लागि बाहिर जान सक्नुहुनेछ र एकल दोहोर्याउँदैन।

मलाई लाग्यो म ठट्टा गर्दैछु?

अन्तिम गन्तीको रूपमा, न्यू ओर्लिन्सको देशमा प्रति व्यक्तिका बारहरू छन्!

फ्रान्सेली क्वार्टरमा – र विशेष गरी Bunbblin Shod मा – यस्तो देखिन्छ कि अन्य सबै स्थापना एक बार हो। धेरै विकल्पहरूको साथ, तपाईं कसरी आफ्नो सिट्टीलाई भिजेको छनौट गर्नुहुन्छ?!

म NALA अब केहि समय भएको छु, र मैले मेरो धेरै बहुमतको बित्तिकै खर्च गरें।

एक सप्ताहन्तमा, मैले एक स्वादिष्ट होटेल ट्वान्टप बार, एक भारी धातुको संयुक्त, र ती नयाँ ओर्लिनहरू बार्बन सडक बार बारहरू आउँदछ जहाँ ककटेल फूखलाहरू आउँदछन्।

जब सम्झनाहरू एक ट्याद बिट अस्पष्ट हुन सक्छ, निश्चित गर्नुहोस् कि मैले यसका लागि उचित अनुसन्धान गरें!

यदि तपाईं ठूलो सजिलोको यात्राको योजना बनाउँदै हुनुहुन्छ र पेय समात्ने ठाउँका लागि सोचिरहेका छन् भने, नयाँ अर्लिन्समा सबैभन्दा धेरै उत्कृष्ट कन्टिपल बारहरूको लागि हेर्नुहोस्।

मैले वास्तवमा बियर र सेतो दाखमद्य पिउनेहरूलाई पनि खुशी पार्न यस पोष्टमा केहि विविधता समावेश गरेको छु – त्यसैले यस गाईडहरूमा सबैका लागि केहि हुनुपर्दछ।

यहाँ नयाँ + + सेतो दाखमद्य र बियर स्पटहरूको सब भन्दा राम्रो 10 ककटेल बारहरूको सूची छ।

सामग्रीको तालिका
नयाँ ओर्लिन्स बारहरूको परिचय
1. साइजरा बार
2. carousel बार र लाउन्ज
Lage। Lafitte को ब्ल्याकस्मिथ बार र पसल
Carn। अदालतको शेररी
A. अर्नाडलको फ्रान्सेली फ्रान्सेली 75 बार
Bus। ब्याकचाल दाखमद्य
P. प्याट O’brins
Man। नेपोलियन घर
La। 21 औं संशोधन पट्टी ला लुइसियानमा
10. espíritu mezcal बार बार
बोनस! सर्प र जेक
नयाँ ओर्लिनहरू ककटेल बारहरू हिट गर्न तयार हुनुहुन्छ?

नयाँ ओर्लिन्स बारहरूको परिचय

न्यू अर्लिन्समा बारहरू रशोथिक डुबकीहरू रविबुल ड्रोल बारहरू रजिन्जिकल ककटेल लौनहरूमा शहर गोप्य वक्ता, शिट्फ ब्रेवीहरू, फेन्सीको सेतो दाखमद्य बारहरू, र बीचमा सबै कुरा हुन्छ।

चाहे तपाईं आकस्मिक रात बाहिर पत्ता लगाउन कोशिस गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ वा तपाईं टेबुलमा नाच समाप्त गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ, त्यहाँ तपाईंको लागि यहाँ बार छ।

नयाँ अर्लेन्स बारहरूको बारेमा एउटा रोचक कुरा यो हो कि तिनीहरू 2 24/7 खुला रहन सक्छन्। “अन्तिम कल” भन्ने वाक्यांश यहाँ एक विदेशी भाषामा हुन सक्छ! ओह, र मैले उल्लेख गरे कि तपाईं पिउन सक्नुहुन्छ यहाँबाट यहाँ जान सक्नुहुन्छ?

अमेरिकामा न्यू ओरिलेन्सहरू मध्ये एक हो जुनमा खुला कन्टेनर कानून छैन। केवल निश्चित गर्नुहोस् कि तपाईं सडकमा गिलासबाट पिउनुहुन्न र तपाईं जानु राम्रो हुनुहुन्छ!

नयाँ अर्लेन्सका बारहरूहरूको बारेमा अर्को राम्रो कुरा हो कि तपाईं धेरै पट्टिहरू धेरै बारहरूमा प्रयास गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ जहाँ तिनीहरू आविष्कार गरियो।

यो एक पट्टीमा स्टोललाई तालुमा तान्न एकदम राम्रो छ जुन सयौं वर्षको उमेरमा र यसको जन्मस्थानमा लोकप्रिय ककटेल प्रयोग गर्दछ। नयाँ अर्लिन्स ककटेलहरूमा यो पोष्ट जाँच गर्न निश्चित हुनुहोस् ताकि तपाईं आफैंलाई आफैंमा परिचित गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ जुन धेरै लोकप्रिय वयस्क पेय पदार्थहरू।

यो एक ठूलो रात बाहिर केहि खाना राख्न एक राम्रो विचार हो, र यस खाद्य को आश्रय मा खान धेरै छ। खानाको कुरा गर्दै, यो पोस्टलाई उत्तम नयाँ अर्लेन्स खानामा बुकमार्क गर्न निश्चित हुनुहोस् जब तपाईं शहरमा हुनुहुन्छ।

ठीक छ, यो पार्टी सुरु गरौं गरौं। त्यहाँ नयाँ अर्लेन्स बारहरूमा धेरै भयानक ककटेल बारहरू छन् जुन यो असम्भव “उत्तम सूचीको उत्तम” छ, “तर मैले निश्चित रूपमा प्रयास गरें।

1. साइजरा बार

-प्रयास गर्नुपर्दछ: पाठ्यक्रम, अवश्य!

मूल्यहरू: $ 7-8 बियरको लागि, दाखमद्यको लागि $ 9 -2-18 कोटेलका लागि $ 12-21 को लागि $ 12-21 को लागि (एक दृश्य)

घण्टा: शुक्रबार – आइतवार बाह्र दिउँसो 11 बजे सम्म। सोमबार – बिहिबार – – 10 बजेबाट

स्थान: 1 1300 रूजोवेल्ट मार्ग (रजवेल्ट होटेल)

न्यू अर्लिन्समा सब भन्दा राम्रो ककटेल बारहरूको भ्रमण अन्धाबाट सुरु हुन्छ।

यस स्थानमा धेरै इतिहास छ, किनकि यसको नामले केहि पहिलो वास्तविक ककटेललाई मान्दछ। क्लासिक चकराक 1 18300 को दशकमा फिर्ता मितिहरू, र यो पछि नयाँ एलेनानियालीहरूको लागि एक गोस ककटेल भएको छ।

लुइसियाना Huey काैवका गभर्नरले लामो गभर्नर लामो बाहिर ह्या hang ्ग गर्न प्रयोग गरीरहेको थियो, रामस जीन फिजरमा, यसलाई आफ्नो निर्वाचनसँग कुरा गर्दै। यी दिनहरू, तपाईं स्थानीय र पर्यटकहरूको मिश्रण पाउनुहुनेछ, जो यहाँ बटेर उनीहरूको रचनात्मक ककटेलमा खुशी लिन यहाँ ओइलाउँदछन्।

भिजेक पूर्ण रूपमा नयाँ ओरिलेन्स ककटेल बारहरू मध्ये एक हो।

भर्खरका पुनर्स्थापनाहरू यसका केही 1 30 s0 र पेन्टर नानाहरूले 1 19 .0 को दशक खानको पर्दाफास गरे, जुन तपाईं तिनीहरूको परिष्कृत पट्टी मलहरूमा बसिरहेको छ। यो विशेष गरी आज डिसेम्बर मा आकर्षक छ जब होटल लोबी एक verrity winterrageime चकित भूमिमा रूपान्तरण गर्दछ।

2. carousel बार र लाउन्जMust-Try: The Vieux Carre is the signature drink here; the Fleur de Lis was also created here

Prices: $12-15 for cocktails

Hours: 7 days a week from twelve noon – 12

Location: 214 royal street (inside the Monteleone Hotel)

One of the most quintessential new Orleans bars is absolutely the Carousel.

In case you’re wondering, that’s not just a creative name — the bar is an actual, fully functional carousel here. Thankfully they replaced the animals with proper bar stools, so you don’t need to straddle a horse to get a drink here.

While the thought of drinking while spinning around in circles may seem nauseating, rest assured that it’s a pleasurable experience.

The carousel takes about 15 minutes to make a rotation, so you’ll barely even notice it. You’ll be too busy chatting it up with the expert mixologists here and trying their classic cocktails. 

Fun fact, the popular Vieux Carre cocktail was actually developed here!

Sip on one of these as you take pleasure in the sounds of some live jazz, as they normally have live music from Wednesday to Saturday. It’s often crowded, but it’s worth the wait to have this classic new Orleans drinking experience. find out about their daily events here.

Lage। Lafitte को ब्ल्याकस्मिथ बार र पसल

Must-Try: Frozen daiquiris are popular here, but a lot of just drink standard cocktails or beers

Prices: $5 and up for everything

Hours: 7 days a week from 10AM-3AM

Location: 941 Bourbon Street

It’s not every day that you get to drink in a bar that’s 300 years old. That’s precisely what you can do at Lafitte’s Blacksmith, which tops the list of oldest bars in new Orleans. It’s actually said to be the oldest building used as a bar in the country!

This historic bar is named after Jean Lafitte, a 19th-century French pirate.

It’s said that he once hid out here when he needed a safe place to smuggle his pirated goods. Whether or not that’s true, he would a lot of likely approve of the cheap, strong drinks that they pour here.

While this bar is in fact located on Bourbon Street, it’s pretty far removed from the chaos.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of new Orleans Bourbon street bars, but this one is a winner. It’s candle-lit and one of the very few piano bars in the city, making for a very fun atmosphere. 

Carn। अदालतको शेररी

Must-Try: Beer – they have over 30 beers on tap here

Prices: $3 and up

Hours: Friday – Sunday from 11am – 1am. Monday – Thursday from 4pm – 12am

Location: 1020 Erato Street

When a lot of people think of new Orleans bars, they picture people slamming down sugary Hurricane drinks and mass-produced beers. While there’s certainly plenty of that going on, the city is also home to a burgeoning craft beer scene.

One of the best bars in new Orleans to get your hop fix is Courtyard Brewery.

They have an excellent selection of draft beer that’s made in-house as well as quite a few guest taps. Whether you fancy an IPA, stout, or sour, they’ve got a brew for you here.

They don’t have a restaurant, but they do host rotating food trucks for when you need something to soak up the booze. Courtyard also hosts an annual craft beer and food festival called Hopfest, so you might want to check that out if you’re in town at the same time.

New Orleans is popular for its epic festivals and events, don’t miss this one.

A. अर्नाडलको फ्रान्सेली फ्रान्सेली 75 बार

Must-Try: The French 75 (a mix of champagne and cognac)

Prices: cocktails from $12.50-14

Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 5:30pm – 10:30pm. Sunday from 10:30am – 1am. 

Location: 813 Bienville Street

Not only is this one of the best cocktail bars in new Orleans, but Esquire magazine named French 75 one of the top five bars in the country.

Originally a “gentlemen only” place, these days everyone can take pleasure in this elegant bar. This is the kind of place where the servers wear tuxedos, so you may want to dress up a bit for this one.

The current incarnation of this legendary NOLA drinking establishment focuses on making classic cocktails with premium spirits. As the name would suggest, the French 75 is their signature drink. There are lots of other exceptional options on the menu, though.

Even if you don’t plan to have dinner at the restaurant next door, you can still take pleasure in some of the food. From 6-10PM, the bar serves a varied snack menu featuring oysters en brochette, cheese puffs stuffed with prosciutto, and much more. 

After all this drinking, you might be ready to do something outside of a bar! Don’t miss these popular swamp excursions in new Orleans.

Bus। ब्याकचाल दाखमद्य

Must-Try: white wine and cheese! Take your pick from many varieties.

Prices: very affordable (retail prices for wine)

Hours: Friday – Sunday from twelve noon – 11pm. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 5 – 10pm

Location: 600 Poland Ave

After sampling so lots of cocktails, maybe it’s time to switch to a white wine bar. 

Wine lovers will absolutely love Bacchanal, which bills itself as the city’s “backyard party.” The city shut them down due to a lack of permits, but thanks to local support they managed to bring their wine-fueled shindigs back to the city’s Bywater district.

At first glance, Bacchanal doesn’t look like much. From the outside, it just looks like a regular old storefront.

Head in and purchase a bottle of white wine (at retail price!) and then head out into their charming courtyard where there’s live music seven days a week (weather permitting). As it’s in the Bywater, you’ll find way a lot more locals than boozed-up tourists here.

One reason that Bacchanal is absolutely one of the top new Orleans bars is that they do a bi-weekly complimentary white wine tasting. These happen on Wednesday from 1-3PM and Saturday from 3-5. Oh yeah, and it was even featured on the HBO series Treme! how cool is that?

I’m not a huge white wine drinker, but even I can admit that Bacchanal is one of the coolest new Orleans bars around.

P. प्याट O’brins

Must-Try: The Hurricane cocktail is the signature drink here

Prices: $6-8.50 for their cocktails (Hurricanes cost $8.50)

Hours: Wednesday – Monday from 12pm – 12am 

Location: 718 St. Peter

The Hurricane is one of the most popular new Orleans cocktails, and you can try one in the very bar where it was created!

As the story goes, the owner of Pat O’Brien’s once found himself with an excess of rum. At the time, distributors made bar owners get huge quantities of rum before they would sell them a lot more desirable liquors like bourbon. 

In an effort to get rid of this abundance of rum, he mixed it in with passion fruit syrup and lime juice.

He poured the new concoction into a glass that resembled a hurricane lamp, and the rest is history. While a lot of new Orleans bars serve Hurricanes, you’ve got to try one in the original spot where it was made.

Pat O’Brien’s is actually three bars in one.

There’s the main bar where you can catch sporting events on TV, the patio centered around their popular “Flaming Fountain,” and even a dueling piano lounge. This place is fun any day of the week, but it’s especially lively on St. Patrick’s Day.

Man। नेपोलियन घर

Must-Try: They’re popular for their Pimm’s cup (gin, lemonade & 7-up)

Prices: $4.50-7 beer, $7-12 for white wine & cocktails 

Hours: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday from 11am – 9pm. Friday and Saturday 11am – 10 pm. 

Location: 500 Charles Street

One of the oldest bars in new Orleans is the popular Napoleon House.

This historic building dates back over 200 years. Back in those days, then-mayor Nicholas Girod was living here. He used the house to none other than Napoleon Bonaparte during his exile. 

Actually, Napoleon never made it, but his name did. The bar has been here considering that 1914, and it feels as if time stood still here. find out a lot more about the cocktail bar’s history here. 

With its peeling walls, multiple paintings of Napoleon, and classical music playing, it feels like stepping back in time. You’ll often hear Beethoven’s Eroica, which was actually composed for Napoleon. 

There’s no way to top the description of Napoleon house than what they have on their website: “exudes a European charm that is a mecca for civilized drinking and eating.”

Order up a Pimm’s cup and a classic Muffuletta and clear up in for an evening at one o

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